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Mood, Mind and Momentum

Last updated on May 17, 2022

New Mindset. New Results.If You Have Any of These Questions or Similar

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‘Work At Home Biz Reviews’ helps you fill in the gaps between what it takes for critical success. Keep in mind that financial stability is about mindset and not about pay grade or the economy.

Are there any common traits shared by the world’s wealthiest individuals? Some had jobs, some had no job stability, some had Ivy League education, some were college dropouts or severely limited education, and all had varying life-related stresses. Yet, we find prosperous individuals in all the above categories. The difference between those who became wealthy and those who don’t, lie inside the individual.

Success is not about flawlessness but identifying and managing any Achilles heel so it doesn’t get in the way of your highest daily potential. The most debilitating barrier to financial freedom isn’t physical or even finance. Instead, it is how we mentally deal with or respond to situations.

Abundant Me Mindset

Which prosperity mindset are you practicing at the moment? Look around – it is either a relative type of poverty or abundance?

Are you one of those people who can look at a mountain and see much more? It took fourteen years to carve Mount Rushmore in the likeness of four USA presidents (Wikipedia, 2020).

Despite what seemed like chaos, hundreds of workers, long duration, and messy dynamite blasts, the lead architect stayed with the work until done. A miniature replica of the expected result was their constant reminder of where they were going.

Can you look at your life and see successes without the current situation distracting you? Many people cannot because of being tuned to stress, worry, fear, or seeing no clear path. When you look through those lenses, the only prosperity you see is the fortune you missed or the opportunity you lost. Unless you have a combination of the right mindset and step-by-step guidance to stay on track, your life will remain financially stressed.

Let’s identify some distractions in your situation, create a new mindset to change your focus, benefit from your mistakes plan to advance from where you stand.

The way you feel about achievement explains why you have little or much. It hints about your ability to keep moving, or why you lose momentum. But how you feel is a choice. Keep in mind that it is your deliberate progress that matters.

A good starting place to get real about your prosperity mindset is to go through the headings in this article and choose one that best answers a curiosity you have about how high you can go.  Each is designed to nudge you towards enhancing your financial condition.

Remember, it is you invading your thoughts with new realizations to defeat all that would hold you back. Sometimes people try to fake it until they make it but end up attracting debt or regretful experiences they spend the next several years paying off both psychologically and financially. You instead want to trade possible desperation for steady maturation.

If you have no debilitating setbacks getting in your way and are ready to set up a website as your further evolution  CLICK HERE for guidance, step by step.

Remember, the goal is not to hop to a win without knowing how to sustain your success.  It is not dreaming for an opportunity that finds you unprepared. It’s a stealthy move forward, despite a step back now and then, to ensure and secure conquest over your strongest excuses. If you have any expectation of wealth, you can create a path to it.


Dream Vision Goals

Moving past the current unsatisfactory financial setback is only a dream if you haven’t yet broken it down into doable goals. A dream will inspire, create a wonderful feeling, and is usually the kick starter for making your accomplishments happen. Because dreams are at first imaginary they are easily continuous, limitless, and expansive in thought. This means ten years from now, if you didn’t awake to an implementable plan, you would still have that same dream, unfulfilled.

A vision is a reality version of the dream where you define it in real life, the path to it, how it benefits others not just yourself.  But the effort it takes to get there are goals – short term, intermediate and long term.  Goals are the sequence, the flow, succession of activities, and tracking of how one achievement dove-tails into the other to ultimately expand into your ideal life.

The step from one point to the other is specific. And just like being on any ladder, you need to focus, or what happens? Exactly. You fall off.

Have you ever had a dream which continued into a week, a month, even decades and which never moved into reality? Dreams are passive. Create a vision. Turn that vision into something visual to remind you of where you are heading, so when uncertainties pop in your life you still have clear next steps to follow. Get your website started with the dream you have and follow the clear steps given. To find out more, CLICK HERE.

If you identified your goal(s) but you are still struggling, look at the individuals important to you.

Supporters and Distorters

Another reason you may not have moved from just dreaming of how your unknown life could be is an inability to recognize the supporters and the dream killers. The supports you may recognize right away. But, you may not recognize the dream killers immediately as they are those close to you.

From your standpoint, they are advisers, people who care, loving family members, best friends, and so on. They may tell you to ‘get off your high horse’ if they get a sense that you are other than they thought you were.

Perhaps you and they have been through a lot together or have similar backgrounds, but stating your dream sounds like you might take a new direction that may lead away from them. Or, they feel that it might put your focus onto something else.

If your dream is only still a dream, then their reaction to you might be fatal to your dream as they have misunderstood, reacted out of their fear, and you sense their discomfort and shrink to fit.

There is no reason to share your dreams before you have time to believe them yourself.

Limitation Lift

If you have tried in the past and failed, if others have failed, or their success was such a phenomenon, or if you are being compared to a successful sibling/parent or another family member, you may fear putting yourself out there.

You may not feel comfortable working the essential substance or details that are certain to bring rewards. But remember Mount Rushmore? The reason they designed it was to benefit the town by attracting tourists. You put something into the world and you get something back. You enhance someone’s life and yours is supported by the appreciation you get back – wealth, recognition, mastery, or other acknowledgments. It is not just exchanging goods or services. This is the sparkle, vitality, pizzazz that makes life meaningful.

Benevolent individuals have an acute consciousness for helping to make the place or world better. Yet it is these people who sometimes shun the thought of being wealthy believing they shouldn’t have more than they need. If you are one of these people, imagine the freedom you will have to do exactly what your heart desires – to help even more people, or yourself.

You may cite egotistical desires when criticized for exploring unexpected paths. But, try not to do what I did once when I wanted to simply cut all my hair off (to get rid of chemicals) and start over. Everyone said they loved my hair as it was. They all added that they could not see me in a shorter style. The key was that they couldn’t see me any different than they had always seen me, but I could.

I learned a lesson from this common experience. Since I was on the edge of taking a step and had already decided, why even ask those around to me what they think? Before I asked I was unsure and was looking for a push in the direction. But, after hearing from them, it distressed me trying to back down from the simple, non-harmful impactful action I wanted to take.

I walked into a barbershop. That’s what I could have gotten some advice on – Go to a stylist, not a barbershop. My hair ultimately grew back. But I remembered the unchanging me that others had preferred. If a change in hairstyle met with such resistance, then expect that taking a new direction may not get you that wholehearted positive response you might expect.

No need to take a poll before deciding on the next best steps to move from fears of the unknown into confidence with your decision.  CLICK HERE to build your website with all the resources already included which complement your determination.

Mimicry Is A Dead-end

Successful people are authentically themselves.  Make sure you are not trying to be someone else. When you accomplish your first main goal, can you continue to more success?  Being authentic means you know yourself, you are confident in yourself and the next step for you is logical and natural.

Don’t be like the wrongly incarcerated and ultimately freed ex-convict who appeared on the ‘X’ Factor. He won a standing ovation for his rendition of an Elton John song. But he lost some opportunities because he sat in jail for 37 years practicing someone else’s song instead of learning to create his own. Videos showed him at small events struggling to sing other songs. It was heard that he was taking music lessons. He had been imitating and that was his limitation. He lost out appearing with Elton John though getting a personal invitation to perform with the celebrity because by then the ex freed convict’s limitations became evident.

You are free to be creative; you know how to follow a passion; and, you know how to follow a path. You can dare to be yourself. You will have developed the inner strength to go farther, which likely doesn’t happen if you mimic someone.

Shadowing or mimicking someone is limiting as you do not know what’s going on in their minds: They have dreams and plans, things in their experiences from which they developed wisdom and draw strength.

They may be outstanding examples to follow or even mentors. But only you can experience your dream, interpret it, and know when it is fully realized – not the ‘you’ that may pretend to be someone else.


Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty. 

~ Doris Day

Power Is You

Know that you are not starting all over again. No, you are not starting over again. You may need to progress financially but you’ll be using your experience as stepping stones in your new determination to empower your financial life.

Making your mistakes meaningful means that you never see yourself as a loser because you always learn: Experience teaches.

You’ll notice that your life experience equipped you with resolve, a perspective, or a stronger need to excel. Perhaps, as an example, you were taking care of others first and now there’s something new you are learning: That you are worthy.

Know that you are the seedling that becomes the tree. Until you are the tree that produces more seeds than you need, you need to help you the most.

That is how you take control of your life. Then expect to see it reflected in financial stamina.

You Decide How You Earn

The wealth you observe around you was being built long before it became noticeable. Do not expect to blast off like a rocket into a slow glide experiencing passive income with no initial work. It is most often the reverse.

There is an unlimited number of ways to morph into affluence. You first take advantage of the resources available. With persistence, your efforts fruition and multiply to exponential returns.

Expect flexibility. Most people still get excited about the ease of working from anywhere when online. But, with this particular affiliate marketing program, it’s beyond the location. You can choose how you earn: you may offer a service, sell your product, or you may select from unlimited resources.

The culture of support, training, unbeatable quality services and features, and much more keep members coming back even those who are busy with other commitments. Some have time only for the inclusive training; while others both learn and earn.

Occasionally someone will share that they didn’t immediately put any effort in despite getting started in the program. But, at such compassionately low they continued as members because for all the quality they are still paying the lowest prices possible until they find time to focus. Plus, many have been grandfathered into a price that will never increase. Buy Now. Build Soon.

My number one recommendation gets you low-cost, free initial startup, ongoing inflation-busting prices, and inclusive training. If you want to make this day count toward your better financial future, you have only to gain. Get Started.

Here Is What To Do

Recognize that where you want to go others have gone. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals from the level of success you aspire to. You are in the presence of detailed executable, timely,  tips that move you forward. They save you time by showing you how to avoid pitfalls. Successful people are reminders that you to can achieve your objectives regardless of where you are.

Tap into this state of being that powers you to thrive independently. With 24/7 community support expect responses to your questions, guidance through live or video classes, and directives from your personal coach.

My number one recommended affiliate marketing website is about sharing tips, revealing proven strategies, being success-oriented, and making starting a website free and easy. Members have access to all the tools they need to succeed. They interact with and learn from other super successful members. And, since you are who you surround yourself with, you have examples of what your success will look like.

This supportive platform keeps you moving toward your goals in that you always know the next steps. Knowing your next step keeps you from being distracted by other things competing for your attention.

Unique Vision, Known Path

Recognize that the path to financial goals is being repeated proven by others and that the tools already exist to help you succeed. Test drive the tool to see how well all its features match your needs.

A proven tool only needs your intention fueled by your dreams. With built-in directions on how to convert dreams to goals, it is like a reliable vehicle only needing a driver with a destination in mind. Plugin the destination and it provides a point-by-point map giving you point-by-point turns.

My number one recommended affiliate marketing program makes your test drive fun and you even get free lessons on how to make a passive income at home.  No speed limit here, though. You go at your own pace or the pace of others as they share their milestones and their earning experience.

Thousands of niches are available from which to create passive income. Such is the constant reminder that this path works. It is your dream coming alive that will benefit you. You just need to maintain a speed comfortable for you on your way to financial freedom.

Taking Action Is The Key To Success



Online Web-Based Training

Following a web-based training program is one of the smartest and easiest ways to get your passive income business started and maintained. Accessing the training programs online may be much easier than meeting in a physical location, and these days can be safer.

After you make a website of your own expect to have fun unleashing your creativity offering your product or service on the Internet of over 4 billion people. If you have looked around, one thing you quickly realize is that other internet marketing training programs may not take into consideration that you are just starting possibly short on funds. Still, they expect you to make immediate payment. Then go a la carte for individual features essential for your website. Or they roll it into one upfront bill expecting thousands of dollars. You almost want to scream, ‘hello, that an issue.’

As someone who has experienced other training resources for income generation before my current one, I find here the most resources and the best value. Plus I appreciate testing their service with no credit card.  CLICK HERE for a no-credit card free trial and to access online web-based training.



Mount Rushmore.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Apr. 2020,

TeamCare WorkAtHomeReviewsBiz
TeamCare WorkAtHomeReviewsBiz

TeamCareWAHBiz treasures the flexibility of working from home. Mastering time management and watching task completion fitting into goals are our best daily rewards. Guiding individuals to the internet’s most powerful and effective tools, training, mentorship, and more, for creating and earning from their website(s) is even more exciting – these tried and true guideposts and your dedication mean success.

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  1. Timothy Balla Timothy Balla

    Great article and website! I love wealthy affiliate and nothing compares to it! It is the best platform in the world! I have no complaints! Thank you for the honest review! Thank you for writing this great article! Keep up the great work on your website!

  2. Prav Prav

    That’s an exhaustive list of people who can benefit from WA. Great job. I just want to add that just gathering knowledge or having the right mindset is not enough. Taking action is the key.

    • Hey Prav,

      You are definitely on point. Taking action is key.

      Yet many people on some level may not believe they are deserving of wealth. They could be struggling indefinitely wondering why money doesn’t stay with them.

      My job is to put light on that or similar mindset so that people first recognize the type of beliefs they have about money as they become active. Because, let’s face it. We are all taking action. If we have ever earned money, we have taken action.

      The mindset will come when they focus on the steps to take and the available guidance as I ensure they go into the right direction.


  3. Joseph Joseph

    Hello, I must say that this is a great point you have made for helping visitors to your website who are looking to make and keep their money. Enough information is available on how to succeed online especially through Wealth Affiliate. I love the Pros and Cons part. It shows that for any business to be successful, work is required. Great job.

    • Hey Joseph,

      Thank you.
      I want people’s efforts to count. The reason they find my website is that previous money-making efforts may not have amounted to much and they are persistent enough to not give up on their money related dreams.

      These are the types of folks that do amazingly well when they find the right steps to follow. And all that is queued up for them here.


  4. Tom Tom


    This is a very important article. I think a lot of people when they start an online business that they will make money the very next day. However, as you say it is not the case. It is like having a real business but online.

    It took me a while to realise this, and it was difficult to grasp. But, there is no sugar coating this, we need to realise that to make money then we must take action and work hard.

    Thank you for sharing this, and thank you for being real.

    Keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    • Hey Tom,

      Thank you.

      The work that goes into making money online is the reason why my job is to ensure people have the mindset that attracts and keeps the money. The steps are many and easy enough to follow as they are clear and already queued up to be followed.

      But, many hard working people still don’t have as much as they would like for all their time committed to working so far. My job is to make sure that changes so they see results, results that stays with them.


  5. Robb Robb

    Really enjoyed this post. I really resonated with your comments about the dream killers and the supporters. This is such an important factor when it comes to success. Get around people who will encourage you and are going where you want to go. Dump the negative people they will hold you back.

    Thanks for the review of wealthy affiliate, I have heard great things about it.

    • Hey Robb,

      Thank you.
      Yes, there is more to making money. Most everyone have been at it their whole lives.

      Sometimes it does us well to look at the reasons we haven’t been able to either attract money or keep money.

      Anyone can follow the easy steps to making money online but I like to ensure that folks in the long run will be able to hold onto it.


  6. Lawrence Lawrence

    Great article and very refreshing way of looking at life.

    Being positive and empowering your life are certainly major steps in making the move from nothing to money. I like the way you have linked in Wealthy Affiliate into this mindset.

    Certainly my experience of this platform,is the majority of people that use it properly have a similar mindset and a confidence in success.

    Stay Safe!

    • admin admin

      Hey Lawrence,

      Definitely! My desire is to help anyone busy making money to also keep a good share of it. No money leaks.


  7. James Kelly James Kelly

    You are preaching to the already converted my friend as after many years of wasted money and time on countless affiliate programs I finally found this one that ticked all the boxes for me. This great program has given me the right mindset about making money online. I commend you for providing this excellent article

    • admin admin

      Hey James,

      Thank you.


  8. Dave Dave

    I completely agree about the way people look at money. Feel even when some are doing well, the idea of bills needing to be paid, taxes, weekly fill-ups at the gas station, gifts among other things can become a distraction even if their total income far exceeds the cost of those expenses.

    When I’m in a situation like that, I keep reminding myself the expenses are temporary and just keep focused on believing the money is coming in at a rapid pace.

    People cannot allow the idea of expenses interfere with the idea of money.

    • admin admin

      Hey Dave,

      Exactly. My role is to help folks move the focus from those distractions to money making activities.


  9. Nancy M Hamar Nancy M Hamar

    Very thorough and helpful details on what to expect. Great idea of all the different subcategories to identify with. Showing different stumbling blocks that so many of us have. Then educating that success is inevitable with your help along the way. The long list of people on different paths, just shows that anyone can be be successful with the right guidance.

    • Hi Nancy,

      Thank you. They have a lot going for them already because I am ready to ensure they are on the right track to phenomenal success.


  10. Nate Stone Nate Stone

    Hi Wjtera,

    Good article. It’s very easy to find the information that you need to set up a business online.

    I’ve written quite a few articles and have done some videos, so affiliate marketing seems like a sensible way to monetize this.

    I’ve seen a couple of different affiliate marketing training programs, what sets this one apart from the others?

    • Hi Nate,

      You get all the resources you need.  Many affiliate programs around the internet promise some features to support you as you turn your dream into a business or grow your business. But only one affiliate company can provide all of the quality resources you need at a low yearly cost. Others would charge similar price for far less.


  11. Sammi Sammi

    Really interesting article. Gratitude is key for sure! I’ve just joined recently too, you’re right, couldn’t recommend the training program enough either!

    • Hi Sammi,

      Gratitude simply means you dropped those emotions that keep you hidden in a cloud of negativity preventing the things you want finding you. I only wish to see success for others, not the frustration they have been experience in the past when they did’t get the things they worked for. That is my purpose in combining mindset awareness with making money.


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